The brass Name and Number plate identifies recommended lubricants, the Company, place of manufacture and the Car Number (eg L4AD3024X). This is the number required for vehicle registration and must match the serial number stamped on the chassis.

You should also find a stamped, oval aluminum disc which identifies the Body Number.

Numbers on the chassis include the Chassis (main side member before the bumper support bracket), Engine (on the offside of the flywheel housing), Gearbox (top face of flange adjoining the clutch housing) and Rear Axle (top of casing).
Here is the location of the serial number on the frame of a 4AD, its pretty hard to find under all the usual rust and dirt but its there.

On this one you see the measuring tape, it sitting on the metal frame support (the metal part welded to the frame, not visible in this picture) for the body. The location is just approximate but I have found it be to pretty close allways.